Upcoming Program:

Program summary:

Multicultural Parent Education is a parenting education program offered to newcomer and refugee families with children 0-18 years. This program will increase caregivers’ knowledge and empower parents to raise newborns, preteens, and adolescents. The program consists of four components and will be delivered to ethnocultural communities in the language of the participants.

We currently offer our program is Chinese, Korean, Ukrainian, Eritrean, Oromo, Tigrinya, Amharic, Arabic and Urdu languages.

Please register for our upcoming program by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code below:

Scan the QR code to register for upcoming programs

Triple P

The Positive Parenting Program – is for every parent. Because children don’t come with an instruction manual. Triple P is one of the most recognized parenting programs worldwide. It is based on positive parenting and the belief that small changes can lead to big results for you and your family


Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

Nobody’s Perfect is a National Parenting Program offered in Canada since 1980. Parents and caregivers acquire knowledge of childhood development from 0 to 6 years and learn positive parenting skills in addition to learning about the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how to create a safe environment to prevent injuries and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Fatherhood Initiative Program

The fatherhood initiative program focuses on the dad’s role as caregiver while increasing the knowledge and skills needed to raise children 0-6 years of age. Topics include Body, Mind, Safety, Behavior and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on children’s brain and later development.

Preteen Parenting Program

Parents raising pre-teens will learn effective parenting strategies to help them stay connected with their children as they reach puberty. Common parental concerns will be discussed in this program geared to foster stronger relationships in families.

Youth Parenting Program

Adolescence can be a challenging time with exposure to drugs, alcohol and sex and can result in problematic behaviour. In this program, we prepare parents and caregivers for potential challenges with bullying, gender diversity, consent and emotional support followed by a brief overview of the Canadian Justice System.

Funder: Children’s Services – Edmonton Region, Government of Alberta

Target Participants: Newcomers and designated refugee families with children 0-18 years

Requirement: Registration required prior to participation

Registration & Inquiry: (780) 429-3111 ext # 309,