Settlement Integration Services for Newcomers

Services Available

  • One-on-One Settlement Counselling – link to details (a)
  • Settlement Related Workshops & Referrals – link to details (b)
  • One-on-One Career Counselling & Employment Related Services – link to details(c)
  • Phone/Walk-In Inquiry & Form Filling – link to details (d)
  • Interpretation Translation
  • Downtown Tour for Government Services and Community Resources – link to flyer/info of the tours
  • Free Internet Access
  • Building Awareness & other Initiatives – link to details (e)

Language: English, Arabic, Bangla, Cantonese, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Kakwa, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Urdu

Information and Inquiry:

  • Downtown Centre: (780) 429-3111
  • Southwest Centre: (780) 429-3119

    This program acknowledges funding from:

  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Alberta Labor

One-on-One Settlement Counseling (a)

Orientation, information or referral of settlement information
Needs assessment to help immigrants identify their needs and strategies for adjustment to Canadian life
Provide practical useful resources to help new immigrants to better cope with everyday living
Ongoing guidance and support on settlement difficulties and issues
Advocacy for immigrants due to language and cultural barriers

Information Orientation (Individual or group sessions) (b)

Information Sessions & workshops on topics:

  • link to group sessions flyers
  • Housing
  • Social Benefits
  • Education
  • Rights & Obligations
  • Transportation
  • Health Care

    Employment Related Services (c)

    For newcomers looking for support in finding a job

    • Career Employment Counselling:
    • Provide labour market information
    • Answer questions about job search
    • Assist job seekers to set up career goal
  • Reviewing resumes and cover letters
  • Job search classes and workshops
  • Interview Skills
  • Job Placement
  • Job Fairs & Hiring Events
  • Professional networking
  • Explain employment readiness programs, training and certification
  • Phone/Walk-In Inquiry & Form Filling (d)

    We sincerely hope that we can help with your settlement and integration in Canada by solving your problems arising from language barriers in your daily life. The Settlement Counsellors will provide you support with suggestions and advice regarding your problems in your everyday life in Edmonton.
    Our services include:

    Information/orientation and referrals regarding settlement and employment
    Interpretation and translation
    Form filling assistance *

    *Please note that:

    Request for assistance in form filing requires advance booking
    We are unable to provide form filling services relating to the following issues:

  • Medical related
  • Legal matters
  • Insurance policies
  • Immigration sponsorship
  • Writing personal letters
  • Building Awareness & Other Initiatives (e)

    Develop caring & supportive attitudes toward Immigrants by providing information to the public & networking with diverse organizations.
    Tax Clinic (low Income families only)
    Community Health Projects (Flu Shot Clinic)
    Pre-natal Class – LINK TO DETAILS BELOW
    Volunteer Recruitment & Training

    Prenatal Class

    If you are pregnant and feel nauseous all the time, what should you do???
    If you want to be prepared for labor, we could connect you to the community pre-natal classes

    If you have any questions, please call:  (780) 429-3111 for inquiries